Jessica saw Soldaat van Oranje 51 times: "The story makes impression"


Next Tuesday, exactly eight years ago, the musical was premiered. Jessica Uijttewaal (42) went 51 times. "The story is beautiful, but it's also very important to keep telling it, and I love the theater."

She writes about musicals as a hobby. "I take friends, but the class of the school I teach in. Years later, parents tell me that history has made such an impression on children." The musical has now changed 15 times. "I saw all the players." She asks for theater tickets for her birthday. "Otherwise, it would not have been possible."

"The success remains weird"

Fred Boot is the producer of the musical. "The success remains weird, I think it's mainly in history, the history of the Second World War affects us all." The goal of the performance was to give his generation a reason to talk to children about what his parents had experienced.

"About 30% of them will come back." That's a lot, kids take their parents with them. the performance, at the break, they talk about how he was at home. "This combination with a special place and audience on a rotating pigeon makes it a special experience."

Read more in the frame

"Every semester, the actors change" [19659004] ] Sandra Jonkman (31 years old) played in the musical for two and a half years.At first overall, a year later, she plays the role of the young lady Tessa.

"The scenery is awesome with the roaring engines and the sea, and on my first day, I was afraid of getting lost behind the scenes and arriving. too late for the next scene. Fortunately, there are signs: the shortest way to the sea is left. "The decoration makes the music special, according to her." The neighbors, aunts, cousins ​​and nieces have heard about it and talked about a theme that we should not forget, this advertisement by word of mouth works well, and people see that it's about an accessible theater, they think about 80 euros the ticket. It's worth it. "

Cast Change

To keep the music fresh, the cast alternates regularly." Every semester, we examine the number of rooms in the room and whether the musical will be extended but also what has been found and in which people will stay. This casting change will be progressive, followed by new rehearsals and you will start working again. This is how the game retains its power. "

Ancient Theater Techniques

" It is often said that the new technology of decoration is part of the success, but it is of course spectacular, but it is not new, "says Rob van der Saumon He is Assistant professor of theater studies at UvA and specialist in the history of Dutch theater.

"This technique dates back to the nineteenth century," explains Van der Zalm, who calls the following example: Panoramic view of the performance corresponds to Panorama Mesdag, one of the oldest 19th-century panoramas in the world. "The ancient theater techniques have long been erased from our memory and are therefore again special."

Second World War is recognizable

Van der Zalm also thinks that the subject contributes to success. "The Second World War is an important theme of Dutch history: grandfathers and grandmothers go to the show a with children and grandchildren. The older generation tells how she lived the war. It opens the conversation "

Third, the smart marketing campaign behind it." In addition to television advertising, campaigns are also conducted from one province to another and the target audience is targeted to Holland. "

" It's true, "says producer Fred Boot." We've always communicated nationally, but we soon found that the general public was in the provinces. We approached them more personally by province. "Visitors from all over the country still go to Katwijk.

" History immediately caught me "

Although she had to drive for two hours, Ria Stuulen (56 years old) saw the musical five times. "I found the film of the same name terrible, so I had doubts, but the history of the musical m & # 39; immediately trapped.

His parents went through the war, his grandparents had strangers. "My grandfather worked in the kitchen, and at the top were people who were hiding below the Germans after watching the musical. the impact really touched me, and the song "If we do not do it, who does it" touches me every time. "

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