Jihadists sentenced in absentia to prison terms


Three men who went to Syria to fight with Islamic State or Al-Nusra terrorist organizations were sentenced to prison terms of up to seven years. The three were not present during the process. We can assume that they are still in Syria. A fourth suspect was acquitted.

Two weeks ago, the Crown demanded up to nine years' imprisonment for four years. OM wants to pursue all suspects, including those who have not yet returned from the battlefield. By being sentenced in absentia, they can be detained immediately after their return.

Victor D.

Among the three convicts today is the convert Victor D. de Heeten. He is sentenced to six years in prison, according to the request of OM. According to the Court, it has been proved that D. participated in the armed struggle. He was a member of IS or Jabath al-Nusra and also took a training course. The court relies on various publications

The former factor D left for Syria more than five years ago to fight President Assad. He is probably still living in Syria. In a reaction to RTV Oost, he said that the sentence required by the public prosecutor was a plus. He plans to return.

The maximum sentence that D. could obtain is fifteen years. But his sentence is limited to six years because we do not know what exactly he did on the battlefield. He is therefore mainly convicted of participating in a terrorist organization.

A man from Arnhem who has joined Jabath al-Nusra must also go to jail for six years. A jihadist born in Somalia who had joined ISIS was sentenced to seven years in prison. A suspect was acquitted.

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