Jubilee for Filip in National Holiday Entertainment


The King, the Queen Mathilde and their four children began the day by attending the traditional Thanksgiving service on the occasion of the National Day. The Te Deum was in Sint-Michiels-and-Sint Goedelekathedraal in Brussels. Subsequently, the family was greeted on the square in front of the cathedral by hundreds of enthusiastic fans of the royal family.

Wim Dehandschutter Belgian journalist, shared some videos of royal company meetings with fans on Twitter. A young woman came from the Netherlands to take pictures with Queen Mathilde

The 16-year-old princess Elisabeth who will study in Wales after the summer holidays, was warned by an old lady: "I think a lot about you when you are abroad, it hurts the heart, it is age."

A woman compliments the king for the that he has come closer and closer to the people. "I have not changed," was the reaction of the jubilee.

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