Justin Timberlake, Lover: Jessica has changed


"We were at a surprise party and chatting with a group of people at the bar, I made a sarcastic remark, very dry, but no one understood, apart from she laughed, it's a moment where you were wondering if a person is just like you, if she just has such a sense of humor as dry and as dark, "says Justin. The two men talked all night without exchanging figures.

"I did not stop thinking about her and I was really interested in her, she just had something that caught me." In 2007, they saw each other at a Justin concert, where a friend had taken her. The singer then asked Jessica and her friends to join him in the tour bus, which resulted in long conversations and lots of laughter. When the actress left, Justin dared to ask for her phone number.

After many phone calls, the couple was together for a month after Justins' tour, which made them really try it. "She changed me, she changed my whole life." In 2012, they got married and three years later, the Timberlakes welcomed their first child. Silas son.

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