Khashoggi body quest in the forest near Istanbul


Khashoggi's body search in a forest near Istanbul

Turkish police raided a forest near Istanbul, hoping to find the body of the missing journalist, Jamal Khashoggi . This reports the Reuters news agency based on Turkish officials. We are also looking in the city of Yalova, about 90 kilometers from Istanbul.

The Turkish authorities suspect that Khashoggi was murdered and his body was cut to pieces. It is possible that his remains were thrown into the forest of Belgrade and around Yalova. Research would indicate that a "farmhouse or villa" in this area was used to hide the body, according to an anonymous Turkish official.

The consulate of Saudi Arabia was the subject of a second investigation Thursday. The consul's home is also the subject of an investigation. Turkish researchers took samples of Khashoggi's DNA that were checked.

Turkish researchers at the consulate of Saudi Arabia. Photo Ozan Kose / AFP

Trump: it seems like Khashoggi is dead

The fact that Jamal Khashoggi died, according to US President Donald Trump is rather stable. "It certainly sounds like that, very sad," said Thursday the president to reporters at an air base in the state of Maryland.

Also on The New York Times Trump showed on Thursday that he had little doubt about the fate of the Saudi journalist. "Unless the marvel of miracles happens, I guess he's no longer alive." For this estimate, Trump says that he relies on intelligence information. "We work with information from many countries, it's the best information available."

"Bad Things"

At the air base, Trump mentions the disappearance and probable death of Khashoggi "bad things, bad things" – a "very bad thing". If it turns out that the Saudi royal family is the customer, there will be "very serious consequences" for the Saudis.

Nevertheless, Trump also pointed out that he is still waiting for the results of the Saudi inquiry into Khashoggi's disappearance. In the Times he stated that it was "a bit early" to name the authors. Earlier in the day, Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo said Saudi Arabia needed a few days to do some research.

This week, Trump met by telephone with Saudi King Salman and his son Mohammed bin Salman, considered the true leader of the oil state. Both denied having anything to do with the case. Trump suggested that Khashoggi could have been killed by independent murderers.

President Trump Thursday just before leaving for Maryland Air Force Base. Photo Susan Walsh / AP

Amnesty: The Netherlands needs a thorough review of Saudi politics

Amnesty International calls on the Netherlands to review Saudi politics in depth. According to the human rights organization, silent diplomacy has "no positive effect" on the situation of human rights defenders. "The current Dutch policy allows the Saudi authorities to pursue oppression with impunity," Amnesty said.

The Netherlands makes public statements about Saudi Arabia and tries to exert influence behind the scenes. Amnesty writes that the Saudi human rights movement has been abolished. In the last three years, six activists have been sentenced to heavy prison terms. At least thirteen activists have been arrested this year. The Netherlands never openly called for their release, Amnesty writes. The director of Amnesty International in the Netherlands, Eduard Nazarski, writes in a statement:

"The Netherlands must stop making unholy statements about the arrest of innocent militants." we that Saudi militants continue to have the courage to commit to human rights? The international community, including the Netherlands, will now have to call for the release of human rights defenders with conviction. "

Earlier in the day, Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra (CDA) announced that he would not attend a major conference on investment this month." Saudi Arabia According to Amnesty, the Netherlands should use this moment to make a public pronouncement in favor of human rights

The US Finance Minister will not meet in Saudi Arabia

US Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin does not attend the big investment conference in Saudi Arabia, he announced it via Twitter on Thursday and decided not to go after consulting President Trump and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mike Pompeo

Earlier in the day, Minister Wopke Hoekstra (Finance, CDA) said he would not attend the conference. Great Britain, France and Germany have also canceled.The Arab Saudi Arabia has already announced that it will continue the conference despite numerous cancellations. The investment conference will be held from 23 to 25 October.

Pompeo: we must give a few more days to Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia needs a few days to investigate the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi. That's what US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo advised President Trump. "We want to understand the facts," he said Thursday at a press conference.

The Minister also stressed that it "is important to become aware of the long strategic relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia". The reaction shows Washington's reluctance to react to the alleged murder of the Saudi journalist residing in the United States.

  Twitter avatar realDonaldTrump Donald J. Trump State Secretary Mike Pompeo returned last night from Saudi Arabia and Turkey. I met him this morning during which the Saudi situation was discussed in great detail, including …

Pompeo had this week a meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at Riad, suspected of being responsible for the journalist's disappearance. The crown prince has thoroughly investigated the facts. "Then the United States will be able to decide on the appropriate response to Khashoggi's disappearance," Pompeo concludes.

See images of the meeting between Pompeo and Ben Salman earlier in the week:

Putin: Do not put relations with the Saudis without facts

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that it is too early to strongly condemn Saudi Arabia for its alleged involvement in the disappearance of Khashoggi. Putin said Thursday at a meeting in Sochi, according to the Reuters news agency, that it was better to wait for more details to be known. "Those who believe that a murder has been committed must be accompanied by evidence," Putin said.

According to Putin, nothing is certain in the missing case. "It is a shame, of course, that Khashoggi is absent, but we must first understand what exactly happened," he said. "We can not ruin our relationship with Saudi Arabia unless concrete facts are on the table". Putin believes that the United States is also responsible for Khashoggi's fate. "He lived in the United States."

Putin Thursday at the meeting in Sochi. Reuters photo

Britain's trade minister does not want a conference on investment

British Trade Minister Liam Fox will not attend a major investment conference Saudi Arabia next week because of the alleged murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. This confirms a spokesman for the Reuters news agency. Fox would be one of the speakers of what he also agreed to call "Davos in the desert", a reference to the large international forum held in Switzerland.

Already several European ministers and important businessmen have the conference in the capital Riad. canceled. Finance Minister, CDA, Wopke Hoekstra, announced Thursday that he would certainly not attend the conference.

"Prominent members of the Saudi royal family gathered around the Khashoggi affair"

A group of high-ranking members of the Saudi royal family has been in conclave for several days at the time. occasion of the Khashoggi affair. This confirms a diplomatic source in the French newspaper Le Figaro of Wednesday.

As international pressure on Saudi Arabia increases due to the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the royal family is looking into the future of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. According to Turkey, Khashoggi was allegedly murdered by a team of Saudi secret agents. According to The New York Times .

Le Figaro writes that a number of them would come from the immediate vicinity of Bin Salman according to the so-called "council of sages", composed of at least seven representatives . from different clans of the royal family. This council has an advisory role for King Salam bin Abdulaziz, who holds the last power and may decide to sell Bin Salman as Crown Prince.

"His future is currently at stake in the council," said the president. A Saudi source that, according to the French newspaper, is well established in Saoud's house, which is generally closed. For example, high-ranking family members might advise appointing a new viceroy crown. This post has not been filled since the appointment of Crown Prince Bin Salman in June 2017. If influential members of the family were appointed vice-heirs, according to experts, this could mean that MBS will empty his field.

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz (center) may decide to appoint another Crown Prince. Reuters Photo

Hoekstra is definitely not in Saudi Arabia in Khashoggi

Minister Wopke Hoekstra (Finance, CDA) will not visit Saudi Arabia next week. This is confirmed by sources on Thursday NRC . He would attend an international conference on investment. The Khashoggi case is the reason for the cancellation of the trip.

Earlier this week, Hoekstra had already indicated that the reunion of Riad took a different turn by the disappearance of the journalist. The French finance minister also announced on Thursday that he would not visit the city. The boss of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde, the investment giant BlackRock and the French banks Societe Generale and BNP Paribas also announced earlier

the Minister Wopke Hoekstra (Finance, CDA) last week after the end of the Council of ministers. Photo Bart Maat / ANP

Khashoggi in the last column: the Arab world aspires to freedom of the press

The Washington Post released Wednesday night the last column of the missing journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, missing. The critical opinion concerns the lack of freedom of the press and freedom of speech in the Arab world. Khashoggi, born in Saudi Arabia, escaped to the United States. In his work, he has often criticized the Saudi regime currently associated with the Saudi regime

. This column is presented by the editor with whom Khashoggi collaborated, Karen Attiah. She writes that the publication of the column has been postponed in the hope that Khashoggi will come back to them so that they can edit the text together. "Now, I have to accept: it will not happen," says Attiah, who says he is forever grateful for his contributions and cooperation.

In the column, Khashoggi discusses the degree of freedom in the Arab countries after the Arab Spring, which largely failed. He points out that, with the exception of Tunisia, almost all Arab countries are currently not free. The result is that Arabs living in these countries are not or poorly informed, according to Khashoggi who says it is unlikely that this situation will change quickly.

According to Khashoggi, the Arab Spring has created hope and expectations in the Arab world, but these have been "crushed". "These companies have retreated on the old status quo or even have to deal with more difficult conditions than before," he writes.

In his last sentences, the journalist pleads for a modern underground media, able to inform the people of Arab countries of uncensored events about the events of the world. Moreover, writes Khashoggi hopefully, we need to create an independent platform for the Arabs to make their voices heard, "isolated from the influence of hating nationalist governments through propaganda".

Why was Khashoggi so dangerous for Saudi Arabia?

It appears from all reports that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is involved in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. But who is this 59-year-old journalist who disappeared during a visit to the Istanbul consulate and why was he murdered?

Read Khashoggi's profile here: Were the Crown Prince's critics fatal to him?

Foreign editor Floris van Straaten wrote last week in a profile on Khashoggi that he was not indifferent to Islamic fundamentalism, but later in his career became more critical of the family. Royal Saudi.

"Until 2015, Khashoggi had presented his criticism in Saudi terms, perhaps because he was his former adviser and had close relations with the mighty Prince Turki al-Faisal, who was many years as chief intelligence officer and ambassador to the United States.This changed with the arrival of the new King Salman and his powerful son Mohammed bin Salman. "

In September 2017, Khashoggi s'. has fled to the United States after being banned from Twitter. In a Washington Post column, the influential journalist wrote: "I left my house, my family and my job and left my voice to be heard". Doing something different would betray people who sighed in prison. others can not. "

It was already clear that the diplomatic riots against Canada following the arrest of Samar Badawi, a civil rights defender, did not criticize Bin Salman." Canada's ambassador to Saudi Arabia called the country to release it, as well as other activists.This call was answered by the direct expulsion of Ambassador Dennis Horak.

Details on the murder and the role of the Saudi consul

More and more details are revealed about the murder of Khashoggi A reconstruction of The New York Times shows that a Saudi assassination commando cut several fingers to the Saudi journalist , after which he was beheaded and his body cut to pieces.

Audio recordings show that the Saudi team, including the medical examiner Salah al-Tubaigy and the former diplomat Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, left the consulate in Istanbul in the A large proportion of these men are associated with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Khashoggi, columnist for the Washington Post, was known for his criticism of the powerful Crown Prince.

Read a reconstruction here: The Saudis came to Istanbul with a bone saw

Moreover, it was revealed that the Saudi consul Mohammad al-Otaibi was present during the interrogation and of the journalist's torture. According to the Turkish newspaper Yeni Şafak, his voice can be heard on audio recordings. Al-Otaibi reportedly told the Saudi interrogators team: "Do it somewhere in front of the consulate, otherwise I will get in trouble." One of the men did not tell him anything incomprehensible: "Keep your head if you want to stay alive when you return to Saudi Arabia."

Turkish media reports that Al-Otaibi returned home Tuesday night.

The United States wants audio and video on the disappearance of Khashoggi

The United States asked Turkey to send audio and video recordings related to the disappearance of Khashoggi. That's what President Donald Trump told reporters at the White House.

The Washington Post employer of the Saudi journalist, revealed last week that the Turkish government kept recordings of the voice of Khashoggi and those of other Arabic-speaking men. They would have heard, tortured and killed. Khashoggi would always be alive when he was cut into pieces. Turkish diplomats informed their American colleagues of these recordings.

Trump said earlier Wednesday in a conversation with Fox TV that when Saudi Arabia is involved in the killing of Khashoggi, it would be "very bad". He countered the criticism that he would let his important ally go with this accusation.

Turkey investigates the official residence of the Saudi consul

Turkish researchers entered the official residence of the Saudi consul on Wednesday afternoon. They hope to find clues about Khashoggi's fate. The Turks hope later to be allowed to re-enter the consulate. On Monday, they did some research with a Saudi team for hours.

To read: Turkey: "Certificate of Murder" at the Saudi Consulate

Although the Saudis deny it themselves, the signals accumulate for Khashoggi yet, the power-conscious of Riad had ordered Five of the fifteen Saudi suspects involved in the case of the disappearance seem to come from the neighborhood of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, revealed The New York Times . A little earlier, it had already appeared that the fifteen had arrived just before the alleged murder at the consulate and had to leave two hours later. They also had a bone saw with them.

One of the suspects is the medico-legal expert Salah al-Tubaigy. The Middle East Eye website reported Wednesday that Tubaigy had played a leading role in the murder. On sound recordings that have listened to a Turkish source of the site, it would be possible to hear how the doctor advises passers-by to install a headset with music, as he does before starting to cut into pieces the ever-living Khashoggi. It would have taken seven minutes before the journalist's death. The consul was already expelled from the room.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo continued his visit Wednesday to the main characters of the case. On Tuesday, he visited Crown Prince Bin Salman and his father, King Salman; a day later, it was the turn of Turkish President Erdogan and Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. Subsequently, Pompeo did not explain anything to the content of their conversations.

Motion Against Arms Deliveries

The Lower House calls on the countries of the European Union to stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia. On Wednesday, Parliament passed a motion by GroenLinks MP Bram van Ojik, who called for this initiative. Van Ojik is unhappy that arms shipments, among others, from France and the UK "continue unabated", despite the Khashoggi case and all kinds of human rights violations. # 39; man. According to the ANP press agency, only the VVD, the GSP and the Forum for Democracy voted against it.

See also: Why the West loves to quench the hunger of Saudi weapons

Saudi Arabia uses European arms during the civil war in Yemen, where it fight the Houthi rebels alongside the government. The years of violence have led to a huge humanitarian crisis. Tens of thousands of civilians have been killed, not only during the bombings and bombings of Saudi Arabia and its allies, but also by hunger and disease. For the Netherlands, last year was already a good reason to stop almost the arms trade with Saudi Arabia.

The anger of parliamentarians is mainly caused by the alleged assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul two weeks ago. The spokesman of the Saudi royal house, Khashoggi, disappeared during a visit to the building. According to Turkey, he was murdered and cut into pieces. On Wednesday, the House asked Prime Minister Rutte to request the opening of an "independent and thorough investigation" on Thursday's EU summit case.

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