Khashoggi Sons Demand Restitution of Murdered Journalist Now


The two sons of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi appealed for the return of their father's body. They want to bury the remains in Saudi Arabia.

Salah and Abdullah Khashoggi say CNN that their family can not cry without their father's body and can not suffer the death of his father.

"This is not a normal situation, it is not normal The only thing we want now is to bury with the rest of his family at Al-Baqi (cemetery), to Medina, "said Salah, who spoke with the Saudi authorities. The son again denies that his father belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Khashoggi was often accused.

Khashoggi was murdered on October 2 in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, in the Turkish city, just after his entrance. The Saudi authorities acknowledged that the journalist had been murdered. But his body is still not justified.

Much uncertainty about Khashoggi's death

There is still a lot of uncertainty about Khashoggi's death. Many world leaders have called for a thorough and thorough investigation.

According to Saudi Arabia, eighteen suspects were arrested and five representatives of the Saudi government were fired. The Turkish prosecutor asked for the extradition of these people, but this request was rejected.

The chief prosecutor in Istanbul claims that Khashoggi was strangled just after entering the Saudi Arabian consulate. The journalist's body was cut into pieces and then eliminated.

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