Khashoggi sons want a father's body


The two sons of the previous month, the murdered journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, want to recover their father's body so they can bury him. That said Monday to both parents in an interview with the American television channel CNN

"This is not a normal situation, it's not at all a normal death." The only thing we now, it is to bury with the rest of his family at Al-Baqi (cemetery) of Medina. "

This is the first time that Salah (35) and Adbullah (33) Khashoggi are interviewed. They say that loved ones have a lot of trouble managing the loss of Khashoggi without his remains: "We want to make sure that he is resting in peace.I can not believe that he is still dead.This n & # 39; It does not come with emotion. "

Khashoggi's family had a meeting with the Crown Prince and King Salman of Saudi Arabia a few weeks ago. King Salman told them that the murderers would be judged.

Even after the murder of Khashoggi relations between America and Saudi Arabia will remain intimate estimates Paul Aarts.

Two Stories

Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul on October 2, but did not go out. The Riad government, after repeating the story a few times, maintains a premeditated murder committed by a group that has been lost.

The Turkish government follows a different course: Khashoggi was reportedly killed almost immediately after his entry and his body was then sawed to pieces. According to Turkey, a death squad consisting of eighteen men had arrived, including a specialist doctor equipped with a bone saw.

The remains of the murdered journalist are still missing. A consultant to Turkish President Erdogan suspects the body of being dissolved in acid. The Turkish government is doing research.


Erdogan himself wrote last week in a letter The Washingon Post for which the American newspaper Khashoggi was working, according to which "the highest level" of the Saudi government had ordered the murder of the journalist. Erdogan however stressed in the letter "friendly relations" between the two countries and pleaded without any involvement of King Salman. The United Nations wants to conduct an independent investigation into the death of the journalist

Jamal Khashoggi, 60, wrote as columnist The Washington Post criticizing the government of the Arab kingdom and the role of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [19659014] Also read the last column of Khashoggi, sent the day of his assassination, in The Washington Post : A free press, which the Arab world desperately needs.

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