King reveals the megapier name Curaçao | inside


Curaçao Minister Steven Martina (Economic Development), described Sunday as "historical" the fact that the king honors Rigaud Tula, 155 years after the abolition of slavery in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Queen Maxima was also present at the ceremony.

Tula worked for years as a slave on the Knip plantation before revolting with dozens of others and demanding freedom. However, the uprising was repressed and Tula was executed after the torture. He was being ruined. The head of the slave has been a national hero on the island since 2010.

Hope for the growth of visitors

With the Tula wharf, Curacao hopes to reach one million cruises passengers per year . This would mean a huge boost for the economy. In 2017, 630,000 arrived on land. "But this year we are already at seven hundred thousand," said Minister Martina

. The Dutch royal couple is also in Curacao today to celebrate the celebration of Flag Day. A flag ceremony will be held this morning on the Brionplein in Willemstad, in the presence of the Government of Curacao and the Caribbean Island Statemen. After that, the monarch and the queen will visit the village of Barber

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