Kittel disappointed to see Tower's dream go up in smoke | NOW


"The dream of My Tour is over, I am very disappointed at the stage of Wednesday, but I have tried to give everything until the end," wrote Kittel Thursday on Instagram.

The time limit at eleventh L 'stage was set at 31.27 minutes after the stage winner Geraint Thomas. Kittel crossed the line no less than twelve minutes later, so his turn is over.

"It's the first time I've entered the time limit," says the thirty-year-old German. "Maybe my career as a sprinter is a little more complete, but I'd hoped it would never have happened."

Kittel's forced departure inscribed in his otherwise disappointing Tour. The sprinter, winner last year of no less than five stages, remained in this edition of the Tour de France without a win and was even criticized last week by his own team leader in Katusha, who l "Called selfish

Kittel Mark Cavendish came too late Wednesday to the finish line at La Rosière. The 33-year-old Briton had already considered the worst-case scenario.

"We already knew in October that the stages in the Alps would be difficult," says Cavendish in conversation with CyclingWeekly . "I tried, but my attempt was not good enough."

"Of course, I'm disappointed, but it's also part of cycling, I'm not the first to arrive outside the time limit and I will not be the last one I just have to try to come back stronger. next year. "

The Dimension Data pilot was busy at his twelfth Tour de France. In previous editions, Cavendish won no less than thirty stages

The loss of Kittel and Cavendish means that Dylan Groenewegen has two competitors. The double stage winner of this Tour crossed the finish line at 157th place Wednesday with a delay of 29.22 minutes on Thomas.

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