Krakersvrienden open break asbestos center Amsterdam Interior


Squatters who had been living illegally on the ADM site for years, an area of ​​the Westelijk Havengebied, had to be removed by order of the State Council on December 25th. If this does not happen, the municipality of Amsterdam is obliged to take enforcement action, as decided by the highest administrative judge. The legitimate owners of the site want to develop the area and create businesses, but the municipality that has tolerated squatting and squatters who have carried out many procedures have opposed it for years.

ADM squatters received the offer of the Amsterdam municipality for two years. live in a different neighborhood in Amsterdam Noord. The alderman Udo Kock has donated hundreds of thousands of euros to prepare this area for the squatters, but they refuse to go there, they confided a few weeks ago during the meeting. A meeting. After these two years in Noord, a location in Almere is available. Kock: "The city is growing and growing, which means that what used to be a parade edge would eventually have a regular function and new scrolling edges will appear elsewhere." The kidnapping edges are never everlasting. "

Supporters of ADM squatters have now opened a location on the Oudekerksplein. "The two upper floors will be inhabited," write the squatters in a press release. "The ground floor serves as a meeting place for the locals, for example a vegan restaurant, small cultural and social activities.This space will also serve as a center of action ADM.But we want to counterbalance the yuppie culture which is also very present in our red district. "

The new squatted building belongs to 1012inc., an investment company in which the municipality of Amsterdam cooperates with pension funds and wishes to renovate historic buildings in the city center. retained. 1012inc. also aims to preserve and promote social rental facilities in the center. Many buildings have already been returned to the city. Director Ronald Wiggers worries about the action.

The police do nothing

"We have been working on a building permit since 2017. It later appeared that asbestos had been found on several floors of the building. to crack, but the squatters certainly risk being contaminated, "he said. "The ground floor has been rented on loan.If there is burglary then, because that's what I call it, the police sees this with displeasure. had lent the ground floor was put on the street.He was about to take his belongings.Our banner was destroyed, the door was opened.We told the squatters that there was asbestos on soils, but they do not want to leave, "says Wiggers.

He regrets the action. "We are one of the few owners in this part of Amsterdam to keep the prices low and to renovate many rotten buildings in the interest of the city, to make them habitable again at normal prices. As a squatter organization, you still have to scratch your ears, I think, we can use the money we now have to pay to pay the lawyer and court costs much more efficiently. "[19659002MariannePootaVVDboardmemberisfuriousandaskedquestionsofcouncil"Youarelivingillegallyonasitethathasbeencrackedfor20yearsthemunicipalityisproposinganalternativehousingasfarastheVVDisconcerneditwouldnothavebeennecessaryYouarenotsatisfiedwiththisandyouarestartingagainTofindajobandrentorbuyahouseasanormalperson"saysPoot

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