Kruijswijk hopes to continue on the Alpe d? Huez | NOW


"I felt a little stronger today than yesterday, I hope the rising line will continue tomorrow," Kruijswijk says. "I hope that I am as good at Alpe d'Huez as today, and maybe even better."

Brabander, 31, crossed the finish line in a ski village after a short but intense alpine ride. The Rosière, 1 minute and 7 seconds after the winner of the stage and the new geletruidrager Geraint Thomas

"I think I came across a good place, it was a good day today. hui, "said Kruijswijk. on Romain Bardet, Vincenzo Nibali, Nairo Quintana and his team-mate Roglic

"Although I did not expect it to be so difficult, apparently the first week took more than what I did.

Grote Klap

Kruijswijk was sitting on the final race of 17.6 kilometers in the group with favorites for a long time, but he had to unload when Thomas went with less than 5 kilometers. continued pursuit Tom Dumo already escaped before the last Ulin Pass.

"Sky had been in the rhythm of all the ascent, but I knew that there would be another big shot of Thomas or Chris Froome, "said Kruijswijk

just fit .. But I was lucky that there was a flatter part and I had an ultimate sprint to join the group again of Roglic. "

Brave attempt

Kruijswijk ascended the rankings from twelfth to sixth place e, at 2.40 from Thomas Roglic is fifth at 2.23 The best Dutchman in the overall standings is Dumoulin, who takes third place at 1.44 from yellow.

Lotto-Jumbo's boss was impressed by his driver's Wednesday drive that attacked in the downhill to the final climb and came very close to the stage win. "I must honestly say that I was too far behind in this descent, so I only saw that Tom had left when I went back to the group and looked around me," said Kruijswijk "C & # 39; 39 was Tom's courageous attempt, he really stayed firm, which indicates that he will do it for the final victory. "

The triptych in the Alps ends Thursday with 175.5 kilometers of Bourg-Saint -Mauritius at the top of Alpe d'Huez. This is the third climb of the outdoor category of the day, from 12:10, the arrival is scheduled between 17:30 and 18:20

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