Last minute flights from Morocco canceled: "We are arrested"


The Fly Orange tour operator canceled six flights to Morocco at the last minute. Also the flight this morning from Rotterdam to Tetouan did not take place. The victims are ferocious. "Our suitcases were ready, my daughters do not understand how to do that to people?"

Hind was traveling to Tetouan in Morocco with his two and seven year old daughters from the Rotterdam airport at 7 am this morning. "We had waited for months, we go on vacation with us three," she told RTL Nieuws.

But Fly Orange, the tour operator where she booked the flight, said at the last minute: their flight would not leave. And so Hind 's holidays (and hundreds of other victims) are not happening at the moment.

No hearing

The suitcases were ready in the lobby yesterday, when she read a troubling message on Facebook. "One woman warned that all Fly Orange flights had been canceled, including those from Rotterdam to Tetouan today.I could hardly believe it so I immediately called Fly Orange. but I did not hear anything, they just did not answer, I sent them by e-mail, I sent messages via Facebook, but I did not take them, so you already know that it's bad. "

All night she did not hear from the tour operator. or should not come to the airport. Until she receives an e-mail at 2 o'clock in the evening. He stated that all the flights of the next two days had been canceled and that it was useless to come to the airport because they could not do anything for the passengers.

Arrears of payment

"I do not have night with my eyes closed, it's really crap, it's the least one I can say," says Hind. "I paid 1000 euros for these tickets, and I saved a long time for our holidays." My holidays have already been taken, and our rental car was already waiting in Tetouan. I have tried to contact Fly Orange all day, but not included. "

On their Facebook page, Fly Orange writes that they had to cancel the flights because they are "fallen victims of a third party who does not fulfill their obligations."

According to Fly Orange, AviaTrade, the charter company that handles flights to Orange Fly, a payment arrears and there is the problem. "We have fulfilled our obligations, we have paid tons to maintain the flights, so they are obliged to do so, but they do not respect their agreement," said spokesman Fly Organge for RTL Nieuws. "It seems that Avia Trade is not a reliable partner."

AviaTrade denies and tells RTL Nieuws that Fly Orange has not fulfilled its payment obligations. By the time Fly Orange pays, planes will be available again

What's in the conditions?

Fly Orange is not a member of the ANVR, and can therefore determine its own conditions. FlyOrange reserves the right to make changes concerning the date of flight, flight, flight number or flight cancellations and can not be held responsible for any problems that may arise in connection with the flight. these changes. "

According to the ANVR these conditions are absurd." It can not be the case that a travel agency just changes the date and decides for you that you steal or even cancel another day without compensation "

European legislation

The European Consumer Center (ECC) states that Fly Orange simply reimburses the price of the ticket to fooled travelers." There are European regulations that provide for this, and if a flight can not go ahead, the price of the ticket must be paid by the airline. "

In this case, it is Aviatrade.According to the ECC, Fly Orange has to repay the ticket prices.The costs can then be recovered from Aviatrade

"How can you do this to people?"

And so Hind stays in the Netherlands for the moment. "I am looking to see if I can find new affordable tickets, but we can probably start next Monday, until I try to make the most of it and do some fun things with the kids, but right now, I have a bad temper. "

Meanwhile, she is still trying to contact Fly Orange." Hind thinks it's so difficult. "If there is a problem, communicate it with your customers, which is the least you can do, and if there is really a helplessness, launch the call and seek a solution together. "

RTL Z searched earlier what you can do if your flight is canceled [19659005]

Peter van Zadelhoff explains your rights

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