Late Night Falling Ratings: "It's Murphy's Law". Now


Twan Huys now has almost two months to succeed Humberto Tan in RTL Late Night . In comparison with competitors such as Pauw and Wereld Draait Door the talk show viewing figures are slightly behind. The viewer does not seem to embrace the new presenter. asks media professionals: can the daily talk show always be saved?

The first broadcast with Huys drew more than half a million viewers. The best episode so far was last week's episode, in which Jenny Douwes – the "figurehead" of the A7 blockade on the day of last year's St. Nicholas race – was a guest .

592,000 people saw how she refused will take place with Jerry Afriyie, Zwarte Piet's opponent. This temporary awakening was brief, because Monday, the number of viewers fell to 374,000 and the program fell again below the figure 25.

Even though there was a lot to do 'l & # 39; "Riot" – several columnists have devoted a lot – was that many viewers have no reason to follow the show the following Monday.

NRC TV columnist Arjen Fortuin believes that RTL and Huys claim to have reached an agreement several weeks ago. with Douwes and Afriyie for an open discussion with both parties at the table, "stupidly spoken". "What you see now is only Murphy's law," he told

"They need a guest like Jenny Douwes to get the ratings and attention.It's in itself a good plan for getting something out of it, but the agreements then went on proved not to be timely, but even though the agreements were clear and Douwes went unexpectedly, they reacted badly. "

" People are binding Huys and "are unreliable" to each other .

According to Fortuin, the writers of Late Night did not dare to play a leading role in the conclusion of the agreements by simply requiring that the two parties be held at the same time. If not, the question would not be

"They did not dare to do that, because they were afraid of not having any article at all, and it goes from bad to worse, especially because it it just happens in the most hysterically polarized debate in the Netherlands. the last five years. "

According to Fortuin, hey Zwarte Pieten's question further damaged the program." It's something that the vast majority of people have not studied and which now connect Huys and "unreliable" to each other. "

Vergouwen thinks the riot will do it Late Night harder to find good guests." A mood has been created that is not perceived as positive and the reliability of Huys is in doubt, "said the media expert." The riot arrived at an impossible moment impossible, it begins to look very doubtful now, I do not think that the tide can be reversed yet. "

Writing looks for good guests

According to Fortuin's Talk-show with few viewers, a less interesting place for potential guests who want to tell something about something else. Interesting. "If you look at the 800,000 spectators of P auw and Late Night by half, this means that Late Night has a lot to offer this guest on the "Fortune."

The writing of Late Night always seeks "a little" good guests, suspects of Fortune. "You notice that they are wary of the RTL stars parade." In the opinion of the critic, they are a little too cautious here. "There are relatively a lot of ordinary people with touching stories at the table, which I understand, it's a nice kind, but it's not always exciting."

However, it often lacks a resounding name that catches the viewer's attention. in order to stay with these lesser-known guests, Fortune says. "A happy and experienced guest in which everyone knows what he's doing, a taste maker.This may not yield much, but because of that, viewers think: come on, we'll go to Huys zapper. "

'The magic moment has not yet taken place

RTL is also aware of fluctuating figures. "We are all working together and are convinced that we can win the spectator for us," RTL said in reaction to

Fortuin said that everyone was too focused on the level of viewing numbers and there is actually little discussion about the content of the show. "As a manufacturer, you want people to talk about what happened and Late Night is suffering now."

According to Fortuin, no "magic moment" has yet taken place. "A moment that makes people think later: it was so special that you have to see it again."

Huys is a very different presenter from Tan, asked media critics and experts in recent weeks. "The power of Twan Huys is informative," said journalist Margriet Brandsma in the Media Forum on NPO Radio 1.

Fortuin believes that such a "magic moment" is in place for the current presenter. "You have to have a little luck with that, Humberto only has to look at someone in his best moments to have the illusion of that magical moment, but Twan does not let him." not yet. "

To reverse this slow flight of viewers, you need something happens, says Fortuin. "There should be a big guest." In the meantime, they compete with the competitor, such as the new D66 party president, Rob Jetten, who was shown in Pauw .

"Huys said about Jetten that he still did not want to switch to television, but in the meantime he is already in makeup," says Fortuin. "It's crazy when Huys says that when he knows he's in Pauw, but it's even crazier than he does not know at all because his close colleagues did not tell him, because you You can count on the editors to keep an eye on this, says the editors seem to be getting nervous and no one is going to work better. "

Employees of Late Night seem to have reasons to To be nervous. Anyway, famous guests fail to convince viewers to watch RTL: the special interview with porn star Stormy Daniels was watched by about half a million people.

Nevertheless, Vergouwen thinks the program deserves time to build. The media expert said there are several causes that prevent viewers from reaching the desired numbers. "At first, the viewer does not yet know what he can expect in terms of content." The first episode with Huys was very serious, against Nieuwsuur and there have been more entertainment topics in recent weeks, but they are not always subjects with which Huys has a visible affinity. "

" The greatest strength of Huys is not the creation of a sphere "

Vergouwen's principle is that Huys must first read for such topics." For example when Coen and Sander were guests of Radio 538, Twan was trying to pull something out of that, but he made some mistakes, you just see that he's so insecure that I do not know if I I am sincerely interested, the presenter is watching. "

In addition, Huys' greatest strength is not to create an atmosphere in the show," says Vergouwen. "Sometimes there is a joke or joke on serious matters too, but Pauw must have learned that too, but now he can do it like no other. "This Twan still can not do it, which gives him a kind of stiffness."

Tan could not have any, he said. "Twan's problem is now that the competitors are doing better, because Eva (Jinek, ed.) And Jeroen (Pauw) are now in a good time, by the way, they have copied Humberto."

Huys must not pretend to be Humberto

It is highly likely that viewers will continue to show a rising line, as "difficult, but not impossible". "When Jinek started, she did not exactly have the wind, she was perceived as an ice bunny." This "magical moment" that Fortuin talked about happened to Jinek when she had a collision with Jules Deelder at the table. The poet spoke through conversations and was then reprimanded by the presenter. "It dissolves Eva in a grandiose way, which has earned her the sympathy of the viewer, and you've watched her grow on each show."

If Huys wants to live such a moment, it is necessary that, according to Vergouwen remains. "He should not pretend to be Humberto, he has to create an atmosphere that suits him well, and there are a few moments that will compel the viewer to give him favor."

There were rumors that short-term Huys would be replaced by another presenter, but RTL denied this shortly thereafter. "Twan has opted for a show around him, which needs to be built around him, but that can also draw the viewer to RTL at the same time," Vergouwen said. "It's difficult, but not impossible, and I especially hope that they will have the chance because the ratings are sad."

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