Laura Ponticorvo angry at Coen & Sander


Laura Ponticorvo, star of reality, after a failed radio interview, bringing together 538 DJs, Coen Swijnenberg and Sander Lantinga. In a vlog, she says, "I do not like that kind of person any more "

Laura would be interviewed in Coen & Sander's show about her participation in the program Boxing Stars the ring enters with another BN. But gentlemen DJs started with an old interview in which Laura was not as good at painting. See below.

Common and Childish

When 's main protagonist left my dirty, fat and boring fiance uninterested, Coen and Sander ensured the interview entirely. When you got home, the YouTubester immediately took a 17! vlog a few minutes with the title "Hell no !!!!" in which she spits her bile and says, among other things, that she thinks the DJs are "naughty and puerile", that she saw there online bullying and that "that kind of no one is more invited ". Laura also emphasizes in the vlog that she is an "influential person" with an exemplary role and that she therefore also wants to denounce this injustice.

This is Laura's vlog.

At a Conversation on Boxing Stars Laura was no longer on the radio, but fortunately we have all the information.

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