Leicester confirms death of club owner | Football


Leicester reacts with dismay to social media when Srivaddhanaprabha dies. "It is with deep regret and a broken heart that we confirm that our President, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, was among those who tragically died on Saturday night when a helicopter with him and four others crashed in front of King's Stadium. Power "statement

Leicester also confirms that five people were aboard the helicopter. Read the statement of the 2016 National Champion below:

It was quite common for Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha to be recovered from the stadium after the Leicester City duels. So also Saturday night. Leicester City had a 1-1 draw against West Ham United earlier in the evening. According to eyewitnesses, the helicopter was high just above the stadium when it started to turn. The plane sank in the parking lot and caught fire.

Emergency services went in large numbers to a parking lot located near the King Power stage of the club where the helicopter crashed.

Vichai made a fortune in the retail trade. According to the magazine Forbes one of the richest people in Thailand, with an estimated capacity of about five billion dollars. Vichai bought Leicester City in 2010. In 2016, the football club had won the title unexpectedly in the Premier League.

  Rescuers work immediately after the helicopter accident that occurred at the wreckage.

The rescuers are immediately after the helicopter crash at work

[1945 AFP

See also:

"The Leicester guard in shock and in tears after a helicopter accident "

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