Less rail traffic to and from Gouda due to airline breakdown Now


Due to an interruption of an airline at Gouda, there are fewer trains between Utrecht and The Hague and between Utrecht and Rotterdam. Earlier in the morning, there was no train at all, but around 8 am a small part of the traffic was resumed.

The cable break occurred at the beginning of the morning rush hour.

ProRail announced that work was progressing. For this reason, rail traffic is always possible. "But people still have to take into account delays and inconveniences," added the spokesman. "It will take some time before all the trains come back to where they should be."

The airline was probably destroyed by a passing train. Gouda is a major hub for rail traffic in the Randstad.

SN also used buses as a means of alternative transportation. It is likely that it will certainly take up to 16 hours before rail traffic is fully resumed.

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