Less water consumption after calling for the economy of drinking water companies NOW


This is the conclusion Trouw after being informed by the suppliers of drinking water

The water consumption at PWN, which provides the Water in North Holland, is still a little higher than normal, but at the end of last week, it was 40% higher than normal.

Vitens provides 30 percent more water than normal. The company does this in the provinces of Friesland, Overijssel, Gelderland and part of Utrecht. Consumption is however better distributed throughout the day, confirms a spokesman for Vitens.

"We advocated a better distribution of water, for example do not drift late in the afternoon, but only late afternoon. According to Evides, water consumption in Zeeland has increased due to heat and drought at the end of last week. After the weekend, this peak has slightly decreased. In North Brabant, water was also less consumed than expected. The BrabantWater drinking water company assumed 50% more water consumption, but that accounted for 40%.


Despite declining consumption, drinking water companies continue to demand water savings. This is especially important during rush hour, as the water pressure may decrease differently and possibly the brown water comes out of the tap. This is not harmful to public health, but drinking water companies want to prevent it.

These peak hours are between 6:00 and 9:00 and 18:00 and 22:00. According to the water companies, because of the high demand for water at these times, it is not wise to spray the garden or turn on the dishwasher.

The drought is expected to last until the end of next week. This is only when the risk of storms increases and the rainfall deficit is so high that the deficit is not immediately eliminated by a storm

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