"LG Starts in the Production of 2018 iPhones Displays"


After Apple put everything on Samsung for the production of iPhone X screens last year, LG seems to want to play at least as important role this year

Why the iPhone 2018 receives screens LG

This year, the screens of the three iPhones 2018 do not come only from the kitchen of Samsung. LG has also partnered with Apple to produce a huge amount of screens.

Previously, Apple was already multiplying its chances by having screens produced by LG and Samsung, but a new message from Digitimes now indicates that the LCD budget LCD 2018 will be manufactured by LG

 iPhone 2018 LG

In addition to two to five million OLED screens, LG would also display a mega-drive of 20 million screens received for the 6.1-inch 2018 iPhone. This news is striking, because Apple had doubts about the quality of LG at first. For example, the company could not meet the stringent quality requirements that Apple imposed on external companies a few months ago. According to Digitimes, LG would have been proven with the quality of the display of the new LG G7 ThinQ.

Apple extends its chances

This will allow two parties to produce the screens of the new iPhones. Last year, the production of the iPhone X fell into daylight because Samsung could not deliver new screens of the highest quality fast enough. As a result, the iPhone X came out not only two months after the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus, but the stock was initially very limited. Apple seems to have learned from this experience and this year it takes both Samsung and LG.

Apple has found a new way to get an LCD screen in the same shape as the oled screen of the iPhone X. It's important because Apple will release three iPhones this fall which all look pretty much the same.

The LCD iPhone is the cheapest of the three, because of the cheaper screen, the lack of 3D Touch and a single lens of the camera on the back in the style of the iPhone. iPhone 8. Analysts predict that this cheaper iPhone will be the most popular, followed by the largest and most expensive iPhone X Plus with a 6.5-inch screen.

Also read: So dear are the three iPhones 2018 probably in the Netherlands

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