Lone van Roosendaal think celebrities in the form of bread are celebrities Now


Lone van Roosendaal considers the cast of famous Dutchmen in musical and theatrical comedies as a form of robbery of skilled actors. "It's a matter of ticket sales and my opponents are increasingly renowned for their fame," said the actress in AD

Van Roosendaal, currently in theaters in the musical Expeditie Eiland She had a holiday season for the first time in her career last year.

"I have not even missed it, I must say that the musical and theatrical landscape has not been much amused lately," she says.

The actress does not find it interesting that theater producers are launching names known to encourage the sale of tickets. "It makes me sad, because the quality drops steadily.This is also a form of flight.Trained, good people sometimes stay at home.The public is quickly satisfied, that is the thought. think this is not correct, term always wins quality. "

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