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The AEX index closed down 0.02% to 528.48 points. The Midcap lost 1.2% to 745.94 points.

Lower prices in London (+ 0.3%), Frankfurt (-0.5%) and Paris (-0.1%) posted profits and losses.

Waiting for the Fed

The Nasdaq was down 0.4%, the Dow Jones up 0.3%. Investors were waiting for the decision on interest rates in the United States tonight. Fed Chairman Powell is expected to maintain interest rates.

Technical analyst Royce Tostrams says the correction of the AEX is over. "But he still lacks AEX" to act quickly, he said. The index movement.

Quarterly business figures were once again very good. Investors still understand the risks related to tariffs, the Khashoggi assassination for Saudi Arabia, the Brexit negotiations, Italy's concerns and the slight setbacks of big tech. They think it's small, "says Loege Painter of Care IS Asset Management.

,, In addition, economic growth looks good. "But you also see that the smallest difference of result is directly punished.There is little reason for that."

Lower oil price

The fall in the price of oil this week is not not a systemic risk, he said. ,, The price of oil between 70 and 75 dollars is excellent for the market: not too high for importers, not too low for producers. It was very different with the $ 85 a barrel, where they used to go, "says Schilder.

The quarterly figures obtained so far, for the S & P500, are on average higher than expected. "The technology sector has, after the recent correction and part of the profits of investors, taken once and for all," says Wim Zwanenburg, technology expert of asset manager Stroeve & Lemberger despite a daily loss for ASML and ASMI.

Analysts on average that technology investments are reporting more. All major technology companies are doing better than expected. "

The main meanings

ABN Amro remained the biggest bearer of the AEX index with + 3.9% .In the beginning, there were setbacks. In February 2016, more than six years after the nationalization of the bank, the banking group was involved in a fraudulent dividend arbitration, and ABN Amro also made headlines because the ECB denounced the previous disputes at the top of the Bank

Insurers Aegon (+ 1.7%), NN Group (+ 1.9%) and ASR .] (+ 1 %) were also positive for this purpose today The heavyweights ING increased by a fraction

See also:

The price of oil this year – 20 %

ASML had to depreciate 0.7% The chip machine manufacturer has raised its sales targets for the coming years Veldhoven's concern is a chif It 's about 13 billion euros in business in 2020. By 2025, this should even reach 15 to 24 billion euros. ASML also promised shareholders to buy more shares and pay larger dividends

The Tank Storage Group Vopak (-2.7%) was the first declarant among the major funds.

Philips decreased by 1.6%. The health technology group has tightened its goals for the coming years. According to Morgan Stanley, the results presented at the day of the investor are not surprising.

Midkapper BAM (-6.4%) reportedly depreciated 23 million euros in real estate positions outside the city when it was updated. The wait for the whole of 2018 has been maintained. The builder received an order at the Canadian port.

Wereldhave left 3.1% at the lock. The real estate fund has benefited from a discount from JPMorgan investment bank advice for opting for underweighting. The investment bank also lowered the Wereldhave share price target from 35 to 32.50 euros.

PostNL lost 4.8%. Competitor and former striker BPost failed in Belgium to receive disappointing figures of more than 8%. The semi-conductors ASMI lost 3.4%. Flow Traders by far the most successful mid-cap fund, had a red balance at the end.

Smallcapfonds The Sif group finished down -6.3%. The foundation specialist recorded a negative result in the accounts in the third quarter.

Kendrion lost 3.4% after Wednesday, nearly 9% having collapsed. Due to Wednesday's disappointing quarterly report, ING has reduced Kendrion's investment advice to "hold".

Curetis, listed locally (-7.4%), announced that it raised 8.9 million euros through a private placement. The German biotech company based in Amsterdam had a turnover of up to 18 million euros.

Telecomconcern VEON (+ 7.2%) expects its turnover to be closed this year with a higher turnover, calculated on stable to slightly higher yields . In its update of the negotiations, the company also raised the outlook for operating income.

Beter Bed (+ 6.2%) benefited from a purchase recommendation from KBC Securities. However, the asset manager has reduced the Beter Bed share price target from 7 to 6.50 euros.

On Friday, Themis Bioscience will not go to the Amsterdam Stock Exchange anyway. Until now, private investors have shown little interest in the Austrian biotechnology sector.

See also:

Chronicle: The bull market on the move

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