Loverboys prostitutes Rotterdam girls in Antwerp


Loverboys in the Rijnmond area are increasingly trying to get Dutch women working in Antwerp. "Rotterdam is one of the pickup locations where the girls come from," says Gideon van Aartsen of Terre des Hommes. The organization will cooperate with the Belgian police in the fight against trafficking in women.

The number of victims of Dutch teenage pimps in Antwerp has risen sharply in recent years. The girls are recruited online here, including through the application groups of
Telegram. As soon as they are taken by the boys, they are put to work in Belgium. The opposite is that Belgian girls are prostitutes in the Netherlands.

Since pimps work via the Internet, they also call loverboys 3.0. According to Gideon van Aartsen, many men and their victims are from Rotterdam: "The waiting lines are short, we have several reports about the arrival of girls. short wait for teenage girls and brothels in Antwerp. "

pickpicks from loverboys!

Gideon van Aartsen

Van Aartsen knows the case of a young Moroccan girl who came across a loverboy via Telegram. She was taken away and when there was sex, it turned out that it was a movie. The then 16-year-old girl was forced to work in Antwerp. "Her life is broken, in the Moroccan community, you are an extremely vulnerable person as a victim, she is no longer welcome, she can not get married anymore."

The loverboy was arrested, but eventually put the movies online.

Cooperation Belgium

Terre des Hommes will cooperate with the municipality of Antwerp and with various organizations against child abuse and the trafficking of women in order to fight against forced prostitution practiced by Dutch loverboys. "As a Land of Men, we already have a lot of experience in this field in the Netherlands: in Belgium, the police remain convinced that the investigation is the case, we know how to probe the sexual ads and have a good system allowing citizens to report suspicious cases. "

This system is called Watch Netherlands. Van Aartsen points out that people who have suspicions of prostitution or are afraid of something can appeal to

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