Luck days of official heat wave


Photo: ANP

The probability that an official heat wave will occur in the next few days is 60%. As of Tuesday, according to Weeronline, it will be called hot with a maximum of 30 to 32.

For a national heat wave, it must be 25 degrees or warmer to De Bilt for at least five days. sharp, including mercury for at least three of these days. 30 degrees must type. Friday and next weekend, the maxima range from 22 to 25 degrees near the sea and 25 to 30 degrees in the rest of the country.

Tuesday, according to Weeronline, the days will be really hot with 26 degrees on the Wadden. and 32 degrees in the southeast. At De Bilt one expects at a temperature of about 30 degrees in the afternoon. Since last Sunday, it has been five times in a row warmer than 25 degrees, and this series will not be interrupted in the coming days. At the earliest Thursday it will be 30 degrees or warmer for the third time in a row.

In Arcen in North Limburg it can already be 30 degrees Friday, which will make this year's second regional heat wave a fact. 19659006] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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