Macedonian Parliament approves change of name


The Macedonian Parliament has taken an important first step in changing the name of the country. The change of name is not yet final, but with the decision of the members of Parliament, a big obstacle has been crossed. Greece and Macedonia reached an agreement in June

out of a total of 80 deputies, 80 voted in favor of the project to launch the procedure of changing the name of the country in North Macedonia. It was exactly the two-thirds majority needed for a constitutional amendment.

Last month, a referendum on the name change and on joining NATO and the EU was invalidated due to insufficient participation. Only 37% of the population took part in the vote and 50% were required. in the Republic of Macedonia. To the anger of Greece, which has an eponymous region and thinks that the name belongs to Greece. The conflict also concerns the question of which country can claim the King of Macedonia, Alexander the Great (356 BC – 323 BC)

. l & # 39; EU; until now, this has been stopped by Greece. The country has been admitted as a member of the United Nations under the name of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The Greek Parliament has yet to vote on the name change. We do not know when it will happen.

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