Macedonian Parliament approves change of name


The Macedonian Parliament approved the proposal to change the name of the country by a large majority. Eighty of the 120 parliamentarians voted for the new name "Republic of Macedonia of the North," reports the Reuters news agency.

The name issue is extremely sensitive and has been causing tensions between Greece and Macedonia for almost thirty years since the country became independent after the collapse of Yugoslavia.

Grote owes in the future to be called "Severna Makedonija" or "Republic of Macedonia North". At the end of September, in a referendum, a majority voted "yes" to the question of whether the country should change its name. However, attendance was low at 37%; it did not provide much support to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

Accession to the EU and NATO

To change the name of the country, a constitutional amendment is needed, as well as a majority of Parliament. Now that the majority is there, nothing seems to prevent the change of name. In addition, the country also has a prospect of possible accession to the EU and NATO.

The conflict over the name of Macedonia was the main stumbling block for the country to become a member of NATO and the EU. Greece had a veto and could therefore suspend membership as long as the country did not want to change its name.

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