Malware for Android continues to increase – News


German security firm G-Data uncovered no less than 2,040,293 new malware samples in the first six months of 2018, identical to those of 2015 and 40% more than 1,447,422 in the first half of 2017

As an excellent example, the company is pointing to fake games. So there are videos on YouTube that point to a (fake) Android version of the popular Fortnite game. It exists today on PCs, game consoles, iOS and soon (but not yet) on Android. The videos mainly deceive young users to install a fake application.

Another problem is that a number of (unnamed) smartphones would have been sold with an open debug interface allowing people using malware to access your phone.

Although the Play Store is not completely waterproof, it is recommended to download only applications and not to install separate applications (APKs) from unreliable sources.

We need the numbers of G-Data also nuance. For example, discovering 40% of additional malware variants does not mean that there is also 40% more infections. For example, the company does not provide details on their frequency, the number of smartphones actually infected or the countries in which they are detected.

For example, pirated applications are installed much more frequently in regions such as Russia. installs a lot bigger. The rule generally applies: do not install anything from a source that you have not fully approved.

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