Mario Tennis Aces Review – Excellent for Switch


Mario Tennis Critical Aces

Mario Tennis Aces is a fun game that is perfect for the Nintendo Switch. The game can be played in many ways and is ideal for a game of tennis in between, on the train or elsewhere. The game is played very well and allows players to play tennis dramatically, but in a "Mario" way. This means that Mario Tennis Aces sometimes has little to do with serious tennis, but it's certainly fun. The game lacks skills, such as the ability to restart a game. The feeling is also lacking in multiplayer features, like good matchmaking and sufficient adjustable options, but that should not spoil the fun

Final Verdict

  Tweakers says: 8 "title =" Tweakers says: 8 "/ > [19659005] Recently, you could read the Tennis World Tour review on Tweakers, a tennis game in which the big names in tennis are central and you have to build a career, to say the least disappointing. Is too involved in the game There was no atmosphere in the game, so we still have to wait for a good serious tennis game, but for players with a Nintendo Switch, there is an intermediate solution, or maybe a lot more, Tweakers at E3 has been engaged in all kinds of games appearing in the future, has brought Nintendo Mario Tennis Aces on the market, for its console.A game of tennis too seriously is not, but that this game does more good than u A game like Tennis World Tour, is an erstatement </p>
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Mario Tennis is a franchise that has existed for nearly two decades, and even more so if you count Mario's Tennis for the Virtual Boy. However, the series became important on the Nintendo 64, and in the following years, several other games appeared, like Mario Power Tennis for GameCube and Wii, Mario Tennis Open for Nintendo 3DS and Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash for Wii U. Mario Tennis Aces is the first game of the series since Ultra Smash, and also the first to appear on the Nintendo Switch.

Switching to the Switch already offers a number of benefits that Mario Tennis Aces owes to the console and then to the game content itself. We have already praised the Switch for its pocket capabilities since its introduction. We played games like Skyrim and LA Noire with a lot of fun in the train, and Mario Tennis Aces is also great for a portable platform, especially if you can play multiplayer locally on this wearable platform. You can also play the game in the traditional way or with a Joy-Con in your hands as a "racket", where you can swing and make waves as you please. For this way of playing, Mario Tennis Aces also has a separate game mode called Dynamic Duel. The main modes that you play in the traditional way, so with the buttons of the Joy-Cons or a controller.

When you choose a game of "real tennis", then with Joy-Cons as virtual tennis rackets, revive the heyday of the Nintendo Wii, when millions of people were playing fanatically to tennis in their living room. Of course, they did it at the time with their own Mii instead of Mario and his associates. This way of playing seems to be the most "in a way" as in real life, although there is a secondary note to that. Your timing and the movement of the Joy-Con determine how and where you hit, but at these shots, we had the idea that the computer also allows to keep the bullets inside the lines . Only if you hit bad timing, you have a chance that a ball will come out. This variant does not have the same depth as the rest of the game, but it's good that this game mode is there. There are indeed some hot duels if you play with two, three or four people at a time. With that, Dynamic Duel promises to become a favorite game mode at parties.

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