Marly van der Velden goes to the streets with a skin disease


On her Instagram account, she places a video that shows how people react when they see her on the street as a patient with psoriasis

"Research shows that 28% of respondents do not want to give a shot. hand to people with psoriasis.I heard this, I was shocked because it is a very nasty skin disease, on which you can not do anything, that can cause a lot of itching and pains, but what is particularly unnerving is people who look at you and have a bad opinion about it.Because you do not fit the perfect picture, that's why I'm I participated in this experiment and campaign, "writes Marly to the film

Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disorder in which more than 2.4% of Canadians live in our country. the population is suffering. This is what figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics show. The disease often develops on skin patches on which long-term pressure is exerted, such as on the elbows, knees and phalanges. At first, there are red spots on the skin and later, it can peel off and itch.

"Living with psoriasis goes well beyond a day in the skin, I understand it very well, but I think it's important to pay attention to this because it does not matter. there is no perfection, everyone must be who he is, I love, I embrace psoriasis, I hope so too, "according to Marly

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