Marquez found the moment of Viñales the "scariest" of weird TT


22:02 – MotoGP captain Marc Marquez made his point with Maverick VIñales, when they said they were off the track and almost reached the gravel, tagged the moment the most daring of a "wild" Dutch TT. 19659002] Marquez and Viñales were part of the leading group that fought the entire race in a senseless way. The Honda driver, who eventually won, had two exciting moments during the race. First, he was overtaken by Alex Rins when Strubben came out and almost fell off his bike. When he lost just two positions and managed to intermingle again in the leading group, Marquez described the incident with Viñales in the sprint as "the scariest of the race."

"Maybe the moment with Viñales was the scariest." Marquez said in a conversation with BT Sport. "I shot Bight 8 while we were running parallel to each other and when he braked we bumped, I let go of the brake, that 's it. It was very slippery, so I thought I would end up in the gravel bucket I do not know, but I could go in first gear and brake the engine enough, which was perhaps the most difficult time "

Viñales, for his part, thought that he would fall too. "It was funny, I thought I was done, I was very scared because I thought I would end up in gravel."

Marquez was waiting for a "calm" race

Despite Marquez declaring after qualifying a "… "group race," he did not expect the race to become so chaotic. The championship leader did not initially intend to push at the start of the race, but he understood that he would lose if he did not retaliate.

"The band was wild, everyone was fighting with everyone". "I have some rubber [strepen] [op mijn pak] I do not know who, but I'm sure it 's also the opposite, we drove to the limit but within that limit it was super I did not expect to wait for a quieter race, a big group, but everyone was attacking, then I knew immediately that I had to attack not to be overtaken, tried to push, then I tried to consolidate and in the end I gave everything of the race. "

With the cooperation of David Gruz

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