MC Slotervaart's leadership acquired after a "lack of control"


The trustee in bankruptcy and the director of MC Slotervaart are no longer in charge of the hospital declared bankrupt. There would be, among other things, a lack of direction. The Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ) and the Dutch Health Authority (NZa) took the reins.

Alderman Simone Kukenheim writes this today to the city council. The municipality will support the IMZ and NZA.

At the end of October, the hospital was declared bankrupt by the court. But its management is far from being irreproachable, according to the municipality. Although surrounding hospitals are taking care of patients, Alderman Kukenheim is worried.

Read also: Kukenheim: "Concerns about patients, MC Slotervaart"

Communication defective
So there is no clear picture of appointments and the number of patients to take care of, as a result of which communication with surrounding hospitals and patients is defective, writes the alderman. Only this week, a letter containing more general information on bankruptcy will be sent to 18,000 patients.

This letter also states that patients may contact their GP for medical problems. But GPs are already reporting that they are receiving a lot of complaints from patients who do not know where they are, wrote the alderman.

This uncertainty with patients was discussed this week with various parties, including the minister, the municipality. and the Dutch Health Authority. During this conversation, it was decided that the curator and director of MC Slotervaart would no longer be in charge.

Read also: MC Slotervaart has absolutely no green light

Alderman's fears do not arise
But that does not mean that the concerns of that have disappeared. Earlier, Minister Bruins thought that there was enough space in neighboring hospitals to take care of patients. But Kukenheim is by no means certain. She wonders if there is enough specialized medical care and care for the elderly. She fears the creation of waiting lists and asked the minister for more information.

However, there are not only troubles and evils. The municipality donates 5,000 euros for the last holiday that employees want to organize. According to Kukenheim, the staff more than deserved it because "in recent weeks, many staff members have been solicited and they have been extremely committed to patients."

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