Today, 11:00 am
by Joas van Wingerden
The reigning world champion, Mercedes, unveiled the car with which they are hoping this year for the sixth time in a row the title: the all-new W10. Over the past few weeks, Mercedes has often teased us with photos where we see a mysterious color palette, but Mercedes again chooses the familiar colors.
Nevertheless, there are certainly some notable changes compared to W09. The back of the car has become a little darker than we are used to and the famous star of the logo is coming back as a motive. In addition, it is striking that the Halo is no longer colored black. The runner's number is now dark gray in white and no longer in the different specific colors of Hamilton and Bottas.
New year. New look. Same target ???? # WelcomeW10 ! ??? pic.twitter.com/hrIZLNdLO2
– Mercedes-AMG F1 (@ MercedesAMGF1) February 13, 2019
W10: pic.twitter.com/YmCP3qqu4t
– GPfans. com (@GPFansNL) February 13, 2019
Side view of a new Mercedes: pic.twitter.com/ynJAkPuRbx
– GPfans.com (@GPFansNL) 13 February 2019
From New Mercedes: pic.twitter.com/hl5gjcdHMs
– GPfans.com (@GPFansNL) of February 13, 2019
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