Merkel and Orbán disagree on humanity


Chancellor Merkel and Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán did not hide at their joint press conference in Berlin their differences of opinion on European responsibility towards migrants

Merkel said that We must never forget that migration concerns people and that Europe represents humankind. "I believe that humanity is the soul of Europe and that Europe must not shy away from suffering people," said Angela Merkel.

Orbán, diametrically opposed to the German Chancellor's immigration policy, responded that can show humanity by not encouraging migrants to come to this continent.


"If our attitude causes people in Africa and Asia to think that they can come here, they will come in. We can also come to Europe without migrants, but bring help to these countries. "Orbán's point of view is to: close the borders and not allow people to" cause problems "

The head of the Hungarian government also said that it hurt him that 39, Germany accused of not being in solidarity

The external borders are important and justified, but at the same time it stated that in some cases the Member States should allow migrants, which Hungary refuses to do.

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