Microsoft officially completes the GitHub acquisition development platform Now


Microsoft is officially the owner of the GitHub developer platform. The company has disbursed $ 7.5 billion (6.5 billion euros) for this acquisition.

GitHub announced Friday that Microsoft was the new owner of the platform. In June, the agreement between the two companies was already concluded, but the recovery took several months.

GitHub was already in bad weather for some time. The website was looking for a new CEO and has not yet made a profit since its founding in 2008.

The new CEO is Nat Friedman, who previously held a leading position in Microsoft's development services. Friedman writes in the blog that GitHub remains independent under Microsoft.

After Microsoft and GitHub reached an agreement, the European Commission sought to know if there would be sufficient competition after the acquisition for the developer platforms. A week ago, the committee agreed, after the competition for GitHub remained sufficient.

GitHub is used by more than 28 million developers, including open source software. Users place their code on the platform so that others can help development. Developers can also create their own version from this software.

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