Migrants' movements into the labor market are rare


There is no question of moving to the Dutch labor market. Not between old people and young people, nor between highly educated and poorly educated people and rarely by migrant workers. Research by the Social and Cultural Planning Bureau (SCP) and the Dutch Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB)

shows that older people and young people have different skills and therefore complement each other perfectly well. labor market. This is also true for migrants because they often work differently from those who have been working here for a longer time, which is why they are more often complementary than replacements. They also sometimes do a job that others do not want to do.

According to the researchers, there is also no evidence that poorly educated people are displaced by more educated workers working structurally below their level. On the contrary, the demand for highly educated people is increasing more sharply than the supply, which has also increased sharply.

The Lower Labor Market Is Under Pressure

However, researchers are seeing shifts in labor at the bottom of it. Although, on average, no effects are often noted, there may be a negative effect for some groups.

Since migrants are often less educated than average, they compete with poorly educated people who perform manual labor. Temporary negative effects may occur for these groups, which play a major role in the early years of labor market immigration

. Higher wages

Migrant workers, especially those in Central and Eastern Europe, often work according to researchers in sectors where employment is declining. It is striking that people who previously worked in these sectors saw their wages rise on average in a new sector.

The number of refugees is relatively small and their participation, even after years, is low. As a result, planning agencies believe that the displacement of these groups on the labor market is limited

Incidentally, the study did not examine the role played by self-employed without employees (freelancers) because there is no useful data on this subject.

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