Mike Pondsmith explains the absence of Cyberpunk 2077 on the E3


  Cyberpunk 2077



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In 2018, Cyberpunk 2077 made a glorious comeback to the Microsoft E3 conference after years of silence . But to the great disappointment of many, this return was nothing more than a cinematic trailer. Mike Pondsmith, the man behind the Cyberpunk Universe, now explains why it was in an interview with IGN

'###################################################################### We need space, we need time, and we need privacy to consider things. Many cooks in the kitchen do not provide a good meal. "Explains Pondsmith, with whom he refers to the players who make their contribution and therefore (try to influence) the development process." His concerns are not whether CD Projekt RED can do justice to his universe, but if fans can bring enough patience to do it. "We have a lot of things we want to do and it takes time to do it. And I hope the fans will give us that time.

If Cyberpunk 2077 does not meet expectations, Pondsmith will not be the developer. He speaks only of praise about Polish society. "The game we have now is very close to what I would have done if I had done it alone in the broom closet." I look at things and I have something like, "Oh my god, it's perfect.It's just perfect. "" But to get that kind of perfection takes time. "


Source: IGN

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