Minister Hoekstra at G20 Summit: "It's better than ever, but clouds on the horizon" NOW


The minister says that the summit is not limited to negative messages. "There is a double message here in almost every country in the world," says Hoekstra, "but there are also dark clouds on the horizon."

Earlier Sunday, the preliminary final declaration of the G20, that the present countries insist on maintaining the trade talks, especially now that there is a threat of trade war.

Staying in touch is what Hoekstra is for the moment one of the most important points. during this summit. "It's good to hear where the other person comes from," he says. But according to Hoekstra, this G20 summit has more than indicated that it is not desirable for countries to impose mutual import duties.

Due to the new import duties instituted by US President Donald Trump this year, a trade war will break out. In response to US policy, the European Union, Mexico, and China have in turn introduced import duties on US products

"A trade war is" losing-loser & "Not in the interest of the EU, but for example, not in the US interest," says Hoekstra.He stresses that the free trade system is, for So, built by the US Hoekstra regularly refers to the pioneering role of the country in Buenos Aires

"We can definitely improve the current system," he admits. "But the core of the system of 39, multilateral and trade agreements is of obvious importance. "

Free trade is also important for the Netherlands." The Netherlands is an open and highly competitive, but also volatile, economy. it does not go with trade in the world or in the EU, we notice it. "

Reform s

Christine Lagarde, Director of the IMF in Buenos A presentation in which they explained the consequences of the tariff war for the countries concerned. According to Lagstra, trade restrictions reduce world trade by 0.5% according to Lagarde

According to Hoekstra, it does not specifically concern the situation in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands, however, supports Lagarde's two messages to the summit, in which countries. Always committed to free trade, but at the same time, we must also remember that it is necessary to look closely at what is necessary for a healthy economy.

"The economy is doing well, but you never know how long it will last." We also need to continue the reforms because you're sure things will be less important, "says Hoekstra. [ad_2]
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