Minister Ollongren is indeed for the European army


The evolution of relations in the world makes it necessary the search for a European army. This is what Deputy Prime Minister Ollongren said at a meeting in Copenhagen organized by Radikale Venstre, the Danish party Ollongrens D66.

"I think we should imagine a clear sky with a European army on the horizon," said Ollongren. She added that she simply wanted to stay in NATO and that national armies simply wanted to exist. But she wants a large-scale cooperation between the armed forces of the different EU member states.

Different Weapon Systems

"It takes time, but that does not mean we can not take a first step." She pointed out that 150 different weapon systems are used by national armies in Europe. This should be much less by cooperation.

According to Ollongren, three important developments make a European army inevitable. First, the United States is withdrawing more and more from the defense of Europe. In addition, Russia is becoming more and more aggressive, for example by annexing regions of Ukraine.

But Brexit is also an evolution in this sense, according to the Dutch Deputy Prime Minister. "It means for the European Union that the country with the most advanced armed forces will leave us."

In the presence of colleagues

Ollongren's statements are remarkable because they are diametrically opposed to the cabinet colleagues.

Prime Minister Rutte is a fierce opponent of the European army, as desired by Germany and France. He called it imprudent two weeks ago. "Europe can not defend itself for the moment, which is unthinkable," he said. Minister Bijleveld of Defense spoke in similar terms.

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