Money for fast growing companies in Brainport, but also for Muziekgebouw and Dutch Design Week


THE HAGUE – Governance. Smart Hub Engine. Starting capital. Venture Capital Fund. The Brainport National Action Program, which was released on Friday, is full of English terms. But this is not surprising: these plans from the Cabinet, Brainport Eindhoven and the province should put South-East Brabant on the map even more than it currently is in the country and at the same time. # 39; abroad.

That the government wants to have a substantial impact on this, became known in mid-March. Now, it is clear where the money goes from the government and the region. The parties want to invest in Eindhoven Engine, among other things. It is a joint initiative of education and industry to market new technologies faster

Fund for Manufacturing Industry

From The Hague nearly 6 million euros are also invested in the Eindhoven Venture Capital Fund II. This new fund contains money for fast growing companies in the manufacturing industry. For example, through its predecessor, the Eindhoven Venture Capital Fund, AAA-LUX in Eindhoven received assistance in the treatment of energy-efficient LED lighting in the sports parks, (air) ports and car parks. Fourteen investors have already settled about twelve million for this fund. The capital can be increased to thirty million in the months to come.

Part of the long – awaited contributions from The Hague also aims to enable entrepreneurs to experiment with (large) data and take the international position of Eindhoven in the photonics sector. to reinforce. Photonics revolve around the conversion of electricity into light and vice versa.

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Retrofit Installations
The National Government Also applies in other areas. He wants to catch up with the region in terms of service delivery. For example, with the national and international talent money must not only be formed. The intention is that the location and the living environment also become more attractive.

This is done by improving the infrastructure, because "the best locations with many employees like ASML, the High Tech campus and the Brainport Industry Campus are threatened in their development", this seems alarming in the Action Program. Think about the immediate surroundings of Eindhoven Station and the Brabant motorways. Stimulating the rail connection with the German hinterland is also taken seriously. However, it takes years before rail travelers realize it.

The faster the target group will be able to benefit from the support, for example, of the Muziekgebouw Eindhoven (in difficulty). Or injection for Dutch Design Week. This event is not called the international stage for the "Brainport National Action Agenda". every year Eindhoven can present its profile of technology, design and knowledge.

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Published: Friday, July 6, 2018 – 18:53
Modified: Friday, July 6, 2018 – 20:27
Author: Hans Janssen
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