More than 30 passengers suffer during Ryanair flight


A Ryanair plane had to make an emergency landing in Frankfurt on Friday night after 33 passengers became ill. They were taken to the hospital, reports the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung .

The Ryanair plane with 189 passengers on board was traveling from Dublin to the Croatian city of Zadar. A passenger told the German newspaper that there was a sudden blow, after which the oxygen masks came out of the ceiling and the pilot started a rapid fall. The 33 passengers who were released "complained of headaches, otitis and nausea," said a spokesman for Ryanair against Frankfurter Allgemeine. Some would even have blood in their ears.

The device probably had a problem with cabin pressure, but what exactly was happening has not yet appeared. "The experts have to determine it, but it may take a while," said Ryanair spokesman.

At Frankfurt-Hahn airport, the plane was expected by doctors who were treating sick passengers. Those in good standing had to spend the night at the airport. According to Ryanair, there will be a reserve phone on Saturday morning, which will bring passengers to Croatia.

The flight path of the Ryanair plane:

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