"More than 350 dead in Nicaragua"


More than 350 people have died in recent months in protests in Nicaragua. Another 2100 people were injured.

This is what the ANPDH human rights organization says. The government fights against the number of dead and says that fifty people died

The resigned president claims

Since mid-April, the country of Central America is plagued by violence between protesters, forces of security and sympathizers of the armed government. Protesters demand the resignation of the leader of the Socialist State Daniel Ortega, who has been in power since 2007.

President Ortega is accused of an authoritarian regime of the government. The protests were originally the result of a planned increase in social security contributions

United Nations Secretary-General

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced yesterday by his spokesman that he was very concerned about the situation in Nicaragua. He called on all parties to refrain from violence and to work for a peaceful solution.

"We do not give up"

A number of Nicaraguans recently told RTL News how the conflict has arisen in their country. the situation becomes uncontrollable every day. Depressed downs accumulate.

"I saw how they shot people randomly," said one of them. "The parents protected their children with their bodies and tried to hide."

The people are hoping for the departure of President Ortega, someone else said. "There is constant speculation about what Ortega is going to do, but there is no way to go, one thing is certain: he can no longer govern this country, I am not sure what he is going to do. I hope every morning when I wake up that it's in the middle of the night with all his family on a plane walked. "

Read all the history here:" Comfortable city get turns into hell on earth "

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