"Mother Oprah Winfrey (83) is deceased" | Entertainment


Venita Lee was born in 1935 in Mississippi. She married Vernon Winfrey. In 1954, Oprah was born. The education of Oprah however could not be combined with her work as a housekeeper in Milwaukee; that's why Oprah was raised by her grandmother. It was only at the age of six that she came to live with her mother

Because of this urgency, the relationship between Winfrey and her mother has always been " unstable, "said the TV presenter. "I was constantly wondering: what's a mother? What do you think of such a person if you have not seen his years?"

A guest

During his youth, Winfrey was sexually harassed by his cousin and uncle. This created an additional gap between the presenter and her mother. Later, however, both restored him. In 1999, Vernita was invited to the Oprah talk show, where they talked about their relationship.

Vernita Lee is now buried in a small intimate gathering. ] Invalid email address. Please fill again.

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