Mountain hikers can leave Lombok volcano Abroad


The marchers were locked up after an earthquake made impracticable a number of walking routes. An emergency services officer said that about 500 hikers had reached the foot of the volcano in the late afternoon. Soldiers, policemen and rescue workers were deployed to bring people from Rinjani

Food and Drink

Authorities announced earlier that there were mainly foreign walkers on the volcano during the earthquake. land until 820. The authorities sent helicopters into the airspace to search for people who are still stranded. In addition, mountain hikers stranded in the air receive food and drinks.

The number of deaths due to the earthquake on the Indonesian island rose to seventeen. More than 150 people were also injured. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs currently has no indication that the Dutch victims have fallen.

The earthquake had a strength of 6.4. The epicenter of the earthquake was about 50 kilometers northeast of the town of Mataram and was only 7 kilometers deep. Due to shallow depth, the risk is greater than an earthquake causes damage. Officials said that there were also about 280 aftershocks

Have you been stuck on the Rinjani or do you know people who have spent the night there? Send us your story and contact details: [email protected] Or use our Whatsapp advice line: 06-13650952

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