Mula B was arrested, his lawyer responds


  Mula B Arrested and His Lawyer Responding

Friday, October 26, 2018 – 15h41

Mula B and his 28 year old copilot were arrested last night. His car was examined during a preemptive crowd at the Waalhaven in Rotterdam. In addition, the police found a gun and five thousand euros in cash. His lawyer, Jeffrey Jordan, reacts to FunX

"Mula B was actually arrested in a place where pre-emptive searches are underway, he allowed the police to search his car and said that 39; he had a gun in the car had. "


Mula B directly informed his lawyer that he wanted to play an open card about the case. That's why Jeffrey Jordan also contacted FunX himself. In the case AD, in the first place, the event on the event bearing the following title " Held by the" rapper "in The Hague revealed that the possession of a firearm was very common " and Jeffrey wants to rectify that.

"It is wrong to own a firearm and Mula B has acknowledged his guilt.It is not at all true that it is normal." He probably said he was a rapper after five thousand euros in cash. This was probably taken out of context and that's what I want to correct. "

Wild Stories

FunX-DJ Eva says that it's pretty remarkable that a lawyer calls himself FunX, but Jeffrey says he wants to prevent wild stories from circulating in the media

"Mula B made it clear that he had nothing to hide."

Mula B needs it on a weekly basis end are still blocked and will be taken on Monday.

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