NASA takes a picture of an almost perfectly rectangular iceberg in …


NASA's US space agency shared an impressive image of an almost perfectly rectangular iceberg in Antarctica. The remarkable monster floats near the widest iceberg, Larsen C. The block has a surprisingly unnatural appearance due to its 90-degree angles, but according to scientists, it's a completely natural phenomenon.

During the IceBridge operation, NASA was able to take a remarkable photo. The mission focuses on ice at the Earth's poles, as scientists want to know more about the changes in thickness and location of ice over the years.

Most people have a habit of seeing images of icebergs of all shapes and sizes. But one thing always seems to be a constant in the sight: a chaotic asymmetrical sight. Up to now: the image of the rectangular iceberg is circumnavigating the world


"These are tabular icebergs. Iceberg has a very steep (almost) vertical side and a flat top.If it breaks down very slowly, the angle can go up to 90 degrees, "says Kelly Brunt of NASA at Live Science. In this case, it is a block of ice very recently broke. "As soon as the wind, the waves and the ocean can act, the sharp angles will disappear."

Scientists do not know if there is still much of the iceberg under the surface of the water and what is the shape of the colossus there. In most cases, only 10% of the iceberg is visible over the ocean. The size of this iceberg is also unknown.

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