Nearly 3,000 agents are looking for a French criminal escaped Abroad


Prime Minister Edouard Philippe told the French channel RTL that picking up the 46-year-old Faid is the highest priority. Faid escaped Sunday from the prison of Réau, southeast of Paris. Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet said the escape could have been prepared a long time ago. She said that there may be a connection between the escape and the drones that flew over the detention center a few months ago


Faïd was successful in securing his life. escape with the support of companions from outside the prison. In order to divert the attention of the prison staff, armed men came to the prison entrance to demand the release of the criminal and, at the same time, a helicopter landed in the prison yard. . Faïd managed to escape with this plane

He was serving a long prison sentence for armed robbery and the murder of a policewoman

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