Nearly eighty schoolchildren kidnapped in Cameroon


In Cameroon, 78 students were abducted last weekend. The head of the reformed school is also included, according to the AP news agency

said the governor of the North West region, but he is not yet certain to have taken the children. On social media, however, a video circulates about the kidnapped students, who were shared by men who call themselves "Ambo boys". Many parents have confirmed that their children can be seen. "Ambo boys" refers to the state of Ambazon who wishes to found English-speaking rebels.

The children were abducted from a Presbyterian school, a reformed Anglo-Scottish church, in the town of Nkwen, near the regional capital, Bamenda. A total of 81 people were taken to forested areas, where the rebels are hiding in an unknown location.


President Paul Biya decided last year to drop a protest against the French government with a hard hand. For now, the separatists are fighting for their own state in the North West and South West regions. In addition, hundreds of people have died in the past year.

Read a profile on President Paul Biya: For 36 years in power in Cameroon – with remote control in Geneva

the city of Nkwen, near the regional capital Bamenda:

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