Netflix cares about prices: movies first in the cinema, then only online


Up to now, Netflix's productions were not seen at all at the cinema (think War Machine ), or appeared simultaneously on the white screen and in the streaming service ( Okja, Mudbound ).

However, American society wants to compete with major film studios and therefore often works with famous directors. Many big names insist that their works be projected on a white screen.

Cinemas, in turn, want films to be seen only for them. Theaters are concerned that interested parties will not buy tickets if they can also watch movies at home. The films Roma, The ballad Buster Scruggs and Bird Box will therefore be presented in theaters.

This is how Roma the winner The director Alfonso Cuarón on November 21 in American cinemas and December 14 only at Netflix. The streaming service indicates that subscribers benefit in the end because Netflix is ​​able to produce better movies.

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