Netflix stops after three seasons with Marvelserie Daredevil | Now


The third season of Marvelserie Daredevil published on Netflix this fall, is the last. The streaming service does not go further with the series around the blind superhero.

Daredevil was part of the Netflix universe The Defenders where Jessica Jones Luke Cage and Iron Fist were among them. In 2013, the platform announced the development of four separate series on these superheroes and a special series in which they met. In recent months, the streaming service has also ceased with Iron Fist and Luke Cage .

Just as in previous cancellations, Netflix leaves open the possibility of a return of the character. "Although the series is over on Netflix, the three existing seasons will remain available in the coming years," the company said in a statement to the US media. "The character Daredevil will live in future Marvel projects."

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