New single Ariana Grande – "thank you, next door"


Ariana Grande has hard times behind him. After a suicide bombing on May 22, 2017 after her concert at the Manchester Arena, where 22 people were killed and 800 wounded, the American singer retired. Fortunately, she seemed to be playing in the actor and comedian Pete Davidson a little later, but the relationship stopped one month after the death of his ex-Mac Miller. After the release of the album Sweetener that sparked a keen interest, in August, Ariana wants to start a new chapter in the form of a new album. Her first single that she released just before her performance at Saturday Night Live.

The pretty pop music originally created by Ariana has evolved in recent years to become a more spicy sound of r & b to pop. The new single "Thank You Next" joins this and, according to critics, is his best single so far. The number indicates how grateful she is for her ex but that she would like to continue her life without him. The positive note in the text also appears in the melody and is not lost in sadness. From the point of view of production, the song is a very strong pop song that makes us look forward to the release of his new album . Thank you, then . When the album comes out and arrives in Belgium with its Sweetener World Tour, we do not know it.

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