New species of dinosaur discovered in Argentina


A team of Spanish and Argentine paleontologists discovered the remains of an unknown dinosaur species up to now. It concerns the remains of three dinosaurs that probably lived in Argentina 110 million years ago. The new species received the name Lavocatisaurus agrioensis

The dinosaurs belonged to the family of plant-eating sauropods, of which brontosaurus is the best known. The Sauropoda are the greatest beings who have ever walked on earth. The supersaurus, which also belonged to this family, could measure 34 meters long and the Argentinos weigh 120 tons.


Scientists claim to have found the largest dinosaurs in the head and spine. This means that they have enough to make an almost complete rebuild.

The largest skeleton was probably an adult dinosaur, which was about 12 meters long. The smaller ones were 6 or 7 meters long. According to the researchers, the dinosaurs probably lived together.

Desert Zone

The place where fossils were found, in the center of Argentina, is striking. There are 110 million years ago, this part of Argentina was a desert with only a few lakes.

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