New York loses climate record against Shell and other oil companies


A US judge warns of a lawsuit in New York City against the world's five largest oil companies. The city wanted to keep the oil industry responsible for their contribution to global warming, but the judge did not take it.

New York argued that Shell, BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil and ConocoPhillips knew how much their activities were hurting. but has not taken any action for years. Such a strategy had already worked against the tobacco industry.

However, the judge now holds that it is not up to him to appeal to the companies. He states that it is the task of the legislative and executive powers to intervene, not the judge. The judge pointed out that he was not competent to judge the necessary international regulations

Last month, a California judge ruled the same way in a case filed by the cities of San Francisco and of Oakland

. Shell is happy with the result. "It's a complex social challenge that requires a thoughtful government policy, not a court decision." Chevron said that "it's time to stop wasting tax money."

New York plans to appeal. Mayor De Blasio wants an allocation of billions for the costs that the city makes to protect itself from the consequences of climate change.

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